Overhead Power Line Safety
Know how far your work is from overhead power lines
PSEG Long Island’s most important responsibility is the safety of our customers, employees and the general public. Identifying the locations of overhead high-voltage power lines, and keeping an appropriate distance from them, can prevent serious injury or worse.
The 10/10 Rule
If you or your contractor will be working within 10 feet of power lines, contact us at least 10 workdays before work begins. We can either deenergize or relocate the lines.* This can prevent serious injuries and fatalities - but it's not just for your safety! New York State law requires that you contact us. Violations may result in civil penalties.
Equipment Safety
The 10 feet distance also applies to your vehicles, equipment and tools. Ladders, scaffolds, cranes, long-bed dump trucks and other equipment can easily contact overhead power lines. Carry equipment, such as ladders, scaffolds, tools and supplies such as gutters and other long objects horizontally until you need to use them. Work with a designated spotter whose only responsibility is to keep you clear of lines.
Contact Us
Our most important responsibility is safety, and we want you to stay safe!
- To notify us of work near power lines, call our Building and Renovation Services group at 1-844-341-6378.
- To report an electric emergency (24/7), call 1-800-490-0075.
* There may be a cost for requests to relocate facilities. Complex requests may require additional time. Contact us as early as possible.