Osprey Webcam
Oyster Bay Location
PSEG Long Island has installed a 24-hour osprey webcam at a nest, safely relocated by our lineworkers. The Osprey Cam uses infrared technology to provide "night vision," so there is no light shining on the ospreys in the evening. The camera will help viewers understand all the complexities of nest building, breeding, and raising young ospreys.
Ospreys scout the local area and bring all types of objects to build their nests with. This may include natural objects such as rocks, sticks, and branches or other objects such as string, bottle caps, plastic bags, and other items. These items are a crucial part of the Ospreys’ nest building. While the Osprey are in residence during their mating season (March 15 - October 19), interference in the nest is strictly regulated by the Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). As such, PSEG Long Island cannot be responsible to remove objects from the nest as it would disrupt their natural environment.
We kindly request viewers to appreciate and respect the unaltered dynamics of the osprey nest, acknowledging that debris and other nest material accumulation is a natural occurrence. We should embrace the marvels of nature as we observe these magnificent birds in their natural habitat.
Oyster Bay
Our Responsibility
PSEG Long Island takes careful considerations to minimize disruptions to wildlife as they continue to provide safe and reliable electric service to Long Island and the Rockaways, 24/7. Our crews may need to remove nests during restoration efforts and emergency repairs or perform routine maintenance that requires the removal of a monk parakeet nest in order to prevent power outages, fires, and equipment damage.
How You Can Help
Help us to identify new locations or nests that may need attention. If you see a bird attempting to build on our poles, wires, or utility structures, please contact us. Our crews will follow our four-stage relocation process. This includes inspecting the site, working with our community experts and partners, assessing the best solution, and taking conservation action to help the bird and to maintain reliable electric service. Our reps are available through email, live chat, Facebook and Twitter. For immediate emergencies, such as a nest on fire, call 911 and then us at 1-800-490-0075.