Wholesale Market Aggregation


PSEG Long Island will now allow Distributed Energy Resource customers to directly participate in the NYISO wholesale market. Customers have the option to participate through aggregation where participants can join with an existing aggregator or become an aggregator themselves. Customers looking to become an aggregator themselves must meet the NYISO requirements of an aggregation of at least 100kW in total nameplate rating as well as meeting all other eligibility and performance requirements. Each individual participating DER must be at least 10kW in size. Aggregators will work with PSEG LI to determine the transmission node identified by NYISO for which the participating DER units will be modeled to. Aggregators will be responsible for confirming their aggregations and that their participating DER(s) are aligned with the proper transmission node. By participating in the NYISO Wholesale Market Aggregation customers will therefore be unable to participate in Net Energy Metering or any other PSEGLI tariff programs which compensate DER’s.

DER aggregators will be required to meet PSEG LI’s guidelines for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) requirements.

DER eligible to participate in the NYISO markets must have completed study through the SGIP process and have a completed PTO (permission to operate) or COD (commercial operation

Additional Resources

For any questions or further assistance, please contact us at PSEG-LI-PAMInterconnect@pseg.com