Long Island Osprey
The Majestic Osprey
Long Island is home to more than 400 species of birds, including the majestic osprey. Ospreys are large, beautiful birds and a popular sight on Long Island. They have made Long Island’s coastlines and abundant fish populations home. These hunters tend to come back to the same location each year to nest and raise their young. Historically, ospreys would nest near the water in dead trees. Now they often choose other high locations such as telephone and utility poles.
At one time, the Long Island osprey population was on the endangered species list. The efforts PSEG Long Island has made to build safe nesting platforms has contributed to the rise in the population of the osprey on Long Island again. We have relocated over two dozen osprey nests and worked to make an additional eight nests safe in place.
Nest Relocation
Osprey nests constructed around electrical equipment, puts the nest in danger of catching fire which can cause significant damage to the electrical system and harm the osprey. Together, with our community partners, we’ve successfully relocated and encouraged osprey to build their nests away from our facilities and wires.
Osprey Webcam
PSEG Long Island has installed a 24-hour webcam at a relocated nest in Oyster Bay.
Osprey Task Force
We have partnered with several community partners and formed an internal task force.
Fun Facts
Fun facts about the osprey’s habitat, nesting behavior, and other lifecycle questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
We're here to help - wildlife too! Here are some frequently asked questions about our local wildlife.
Our Responsibility
PSEG Long Island takes careful considerations to minimize disruptions to wildlife as they continue to provide safe and reliable electric service to Long Island and the Rockaways, 24/7. Our crews may need to remove nests during restoration efforts and emergency repairs or perform routine maintenance that requires the removal of a monk parakeet nest in order to prevent power outages, fires, and equipment damage.
How You Can Help
Help us to identify new locations or nests that may need attention. If you see a bird attempting to build on our poles, wires, or utility structures, please contact us. Our crews will follow our four-stage relocation process. This includes inspecting the site, working with our community experts and partners, assessing the best solution, and taking conservation action to help the bird and to maintain reliable electric service. Our reps are available through email, live chat, Facebook and Twitter. For immediate emergencies, such as a nest on fire, call 911 and then us at 1-800-490-0075.