Green Energy

Summer outside with lights

Use Renewable Energy and Save

Feel good about using clean energy while reducing your power costs.
Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

To make electric vehicle (EV) ownership as simple as possible, here’s a quick list of things to consider before you buy or lease.
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geothermal energy

Geothermal Energy

Use the energy from the earth to heat and cool your home. Renewable, sustainable energy could be right in your backyard. Find out if geothermal is right for you!
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electric meters

Peak Load Rewards

Get rewarded for decreasing energy use during the summer, when the demand for energy is at a yearly high.

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Family enjoying outdoors in the summer

Net Meter Bank Exchange Process

When billed on Time-of-Day Rates, energy credits accumulate in separate banks for each time period. New energy bank rules for net meter customers enrolled in either of our Time-of-Day Rates will allow for transferring credits between periods.

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Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Harness the power of the sun. Solar is more accessible and affordable than ever before.

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