DER for EV Owners

Power your EV charging station using clean renewable energy

Distributed energy resources (DERs) such as renewables, energy storage, and vehicle-to-everything allow you to power your EV charging station using clean renewable energy, earn additional incentives by sending electricity to the grid during times of high demand, and keep your charging station up and running during an electrical outage. 

Community Solar

Solar Energy

Solar is more accessible and affordable than ever. Harness the power of the sun to power your charging station.
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Battery Storage

Energy Storage

Store energy from power sources like renewables to be used at a later time.
Visit NYSERDA to learn more
Managing EV

Managing EV Charging

Learn how EV technology can send electricity back to the power grid during periods of high demand.
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Community Solar


Customers that install DERs must go through LIPA’s Small Generator Interconnection Procedures to connect. 
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Electric Vehicle

Hosting Capacity Map

Available for developers and contractors interested in understanding available capacity to install electric vehicle charging stations on Long Island and in the Rockaways.
Start here
renewable energy

Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER)

Get compensated for the energy produced from DERs such as solar, energy storage, and bidirectional charging.
Visit NYSERDA to learn more
boy turning off lights

System Relief Program

Receive an annual payment for committing to temporarily reduce your electric demand in certain times of need. 
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