Scams and Fraud

Don't Fall Victim to a Scam or Fraud

Sometimes imposters contact PSEG Long Island customers demanding immediate payment and threatening service shut off. Don't be a prepared.

Phone Scams

Residential and small business customers have reported receiving phone calls from individuals claiming to be PSEG Long Island employees. Payment is demanded within hours using a pre-paid debit card. Things to know:

  • PSEG Long Island offers a variety of payment options and would never require a specific type of payment.
  • PSEG Long Island customers scheduled for disconnection due to nonpayment receive written notice on their bill at least 15 days in advance.

If you ever doubt the legitimacy of a call from PSEG Long Island, especially if payment is demanded, hang up and call us directly at 1-800-490-0025.

Email Scams

PSEG Long Island customers have reported receiving convincing-looking emails that are, in fact, fraudulent. Emails sent by PSEG Long Island would only be sent from:


Also, PSEG Long Island would never ask customers to provide personal information online without first logging into My Account. Should you receive a suspicious email, do not open it. However, if you do, DO NOT reply, click any links within it, or download any attachments. Feel free to call Customer Service to find out if the email is legitimate.

Imposters At Your Door

If anyone comes to your door looking like, or claiming to be, a PSEG Long Island employee, ask for ID. All PSEG Long Island employees must carry ID and present it when requested. If you are not convinced, do not let the person in your house. Call us at 1-800-490-0025. A Customer Service Representative will gladly verify if a technician has been dispatched to your location.