Electric Service Equipment

Who Owns What

Repairing damage that happens to a home’s electrical system is the responsibility of both the homeowner and PSEG Long Island. The diagram below shows a typical home’s electrical connections and who is responsible for the different components.

Service Equipment

PSEG Long Island Owned and Maintained

Service Drop  Service Drop
This wire generally runs from the utility pole to the top of a house. It’s PSEG Long Island's job to maintain and repair it when necessary. Note: we do not trim trees along a service drop, but will shut off power at your request so that you can have it done safely.
Letter B

Electric Meter
It is our responsibility to keep the meter in good working condition. However, we are not responsible for the box, or meter pan, that holds the meter (see below). 

Customer Owned and Maintained

Service Entrance Cable Point of Attachment/Weatherhead
This is where the service drop connects to the service entrance cable and includes the weatherhead and an eyebolt.
Point of Attachment Service Entrance Cable
Our service drop connects to the home’s service entrance cable at the top of the house, which runs down to the meter box. The entrance cable is considered part of the home’s wiring. If the entrance cable is damaged, it’s the homeowner's responsibility to have it repaired by a licensed electrician and it must be repaired before PSEG Long Island can safely restore service. 
Meter Box
Meter Box
The metal box (known as a meter pan) that holds the meter and all of the connections within and below it are the responsibility of the homeowner. A licensed electrician should also make repairs to the meter pan.
Meter Service Panel
Main Service Panel
The homeowner is responsible for the service panel box, the circuit breakers or fuses and all of the home’s wiring.