Kings Highway Improvements
Reliability Projects
Project Specifics
This project was completed in March 2020.
The upgrades we are working on are necessary to keep pace with the growing demand for electricity in Hauppauge. During the next couple of months, you will see crews working in your area strengthening the system. PSEG Long Island will install new underground and overhead feeder lines from the new substation under construction on Rabro Drive.
Along the project route, there will be several temporary drill pits to allow for the installation of the underground cable. This will allow us to tie the new circuit into existing overhead facilities. In addition, overhead lines will be reconductored and equipment upgraded.
- Substation Construction
While several substations currently serve the area, building a new substation, reconfiguring nearby distribution circuits, and reconductoring and reinsulating existing lines will significantly increase reliability and power quality to the community as it grows and reduce the risk of prolonged service disruptions, especially during heat waves and storms. Learn more - New Distribution Feeders Projects
PSEG Long Island will install new underground and overhead feeder lines from the new substation under construction on Rabro Drive in Hauppauge.