Locust Grove

Reliability Projects

We're making upgrades to enhance our system's ability to withstand extreme weather and meet energy demands.

Project Specifics
PSEG Long Island continues to make improvements to its energy infrastructure in order to increase reliability and minimize outages affecting our customers. We are committed to making every effort to ensure our grid is resilient during storms. This project is needed to solve a normal overload created by load growth on Gordon Drive. This project will reconfigure the area with permanent transfers and new automatic sectionalizing units. 

The improvements we are making in your area include the following. All new poles and replacement poles will be approximately 45 feet above grade level.

  • Installing approximately 3,750 feet of new underground distribution cable 
  • Replacing three wood distribution poles, removing one pole and installing one new distribution pole
  • Installing switching equipment to provide reinforced backup support in emergency or contingency situations
  • Replacing existing equipment to improve reliability

Underground Project Route

Crews will install underground distribution cable along South from Jericho Turnpike down Gordon Drive into the cul-de-sac and west of Gordon Drive’s cul-de-sac towards Michael Drive

Overhead Project Route
Crews will replace three poles, remove one pole and install one new pole along with equipment on Michael Drive south of Eileen Way and the intersection of Gordon Drive and Jericho Turnpike

Project Timeline
Construction work is scheduled to start September 2024 and be completed in December 2024. Crews will be working Monday through Friday from 8:00am thru 5:00pm. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will there be tree trimming?
    Trees growing near power lines significantly increase the chance of power outages and pose safety risks. As we expand and improve our electric circuits, we will trim trees, where necessary, following our utility best practice model (ANSI A300 standards as well as the Best Management Practices Tree Pruning publication): 8 feet to each side; 12 feet above; and 10 feet below the line.
  • Will there be any planned power outages? 
    PSEG Long Island does not anticipate any planned power outages related to this project. In the event that a brief planned outage is required, all affected customers will be notified in advance.
  • Will there be any traffic interruptions? 
    There will be minimal traffic and parking disruptions along the project route. To ensure traffic moves safely, PSEG Long Island will provide cones, flaggers, and signage at the work sites, as needed. 
  • Whom can I contact for more information?
    If you would like to leave feedback about this project, please visit: If you have further questions, please call PSEG Long Island Customer Service at 1-800-490-0025 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

As always, the safety of our customers and employees is our primary concern. Please proceed cautiously when travelling near our construction work zones.


POSTED DATE:  9/6/24