Smart Savers Thermostat Program

Save money while reducing strain on the electric system

Receive $85 if you have a central air conditioning system and install a qualifying smart thermostat!

Qualifying Smart Thermostats
You can receive $85 if you have a central air conditioning system and install a qualifying smart thermostat that allows us to make minor, short-term adjustments to your air conditioning that reduce power use during periods of high demand for electricity. That reduces strain on the electric system and saves you money. In most cases, you won’t even notice adjustments to the central air conditioning system and you’ll always have ultimate control. Beginning in the second year of participation, you may also receive an additional $25 each year you participate. 



How do I know if I’m eligible?
To be eligible to enroll, you must:

  • Be a PSEG Long Island customer
  • Have (or purchase) an approved internet-connected thermostat
  • Use that thermostat to control your central air conditioning

Need to purchase a qualifying thermostat?

Visit the PSEG Long Island Marketplace for great deals on qualifying thermostats.

How much can I earn for participating in the program?
In addition to the energy savings that will result from any adjustments we may make, you’ll also receive monetary rewards:

  • $85 for the first year,
  • $25 for each subsequent year, as long as you fully participate in a minimum of 50% of all curtailment events during the summer period.

How do I collect the $85 reward?

You will receive a check for each thermostat you’ve enrolled. It will be paid within eight weeks after your enrollment is approved.

Will participating in the program negatively impact my comfort?
Participating in the program allows PSEG Long Island to make brief adjustments to your home’s thermostat during periods when the demand for power is high, like on a very hot summer day. These adjustments will affect the temperature of your home by only a few degrees, with minimal impact on comfort. And you can easily override an adjustment at any time, for any reason. You will always have ultimate control over your thermostat.

What is the time period when adjustments can be made?
The program runs each year from May 1st – September 30th

How often will you make adjustments?
PSEG Long Island will adjust your thermostat during critical periods, system electric emergencies, or due to local area need to reduce electric load on the system.

Am I allowed to override an adjustment?
Yes. At any time during an adjustment, you can manually adjust your thermostat directly or via a mobile device or web app. Remember, you must take part fully in a minimum of 50 percent of all the events called during the program period in order to be eligible for monetary rewards.

Am I allowed to enroll if I am currently in the PSEG Long Island Thermostat program?
Yes, customers currently enrolled in the PSEG Long Island Thermostat program are eligible for this program. However, in order to participate, you must purchase one of the eligible thermostats outlined above.

What if I have additional questions about the program?
You can reach out to us at


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