Customer FAQs

Go Green with Community Solar

Community Solar lets you tap into green energy and lower your energy bills. Find out if it’s right for you.

Please see the following frequently asked questions.  

  • On cloudy days will my home lose power?
    No, your home will never lose power due to the amount of solar energy your portion of the CDG project produces. Your home is always connected to and powered by the grid and PSEG Long Island. 
  • Are Fuel Cells and other forms of clean energy technology included in the PSEG LI Community Solar program?
    Yes. Although most projects in the PSEG LI Community Solar program are solar projects, the Community Solar program encompasses all forms of clean energy technology including fuel cells.
  • Will I lose power if my home uses more energy than the amount of solar energy I purchased?
    No, you will always be supplied with energy. You receive credits for energy the CDG project produces at the end of each billing cycle and you use power directly from the grid throughout the cycle. When you receive your bill you will see the offset of how much you used versus how much your CDG project produced. 
  • Can a renter or a business sign-up for Community Solar?
    Yes, Community Solar is perfect for renters and businesses because you are not required to install any equipment. You can come to an agreement with your host to help you decide the right terms of your participation. A CDG project can allocate up to 40% of its projected generation to businesses greater than 25kW, the remaining 60% of a CDG project’s generation is dedicated for residential use.
  • Are there any particular requirements that I should know about to participate in Community Solar?
    Any utility customer in the PSEG service territory that will use at least 1,000 kWh of a projects output per year can participate in Community Solar. 
  • Will I get a bill from the host and/or PSEG Long Island?
    Many customers will get both a bill from PSEG Long Island as well as the CDG Host. Speak with a CDG Host representative to find out your options.
  • What if I use more electricity that the CDG project generates?
    Any excess energy that you use, not covered by your portion of the CDG project, will be charged to your PSEG electric bill at your normal PSEG electric rate. Additionally, any excess additional CDG credits allocated to your PSEG account will be banked for future billing cycles.
  • How does the host and/or PSEG Long Island keep track of the energy my home uses from solar and PSEG Long Island?
    Your meter tracks how much energy your home is using, which you can see on your bill each cycle. PSEG Long Island will track the host solar output and will then credit your bill with your share of that output. 
  • Do I need any type of special equipment at my residence?
    No, the great thing about Community Solar is that all the necessary equipment is installed by the Host of a project at an offsite location. You do not have to install or purchase any equipment. 
  • How can I find out more about specifics on things like: contracts, cancellation policy, billing, etc.? 
    Customers can contact one of the many approved community solar companies and inquire about their unique community solar projects.
  • Is PSEG Long Island responsible for the operation and management of a CDG Host project?
    As part of the Community Distributed Generation (CDG) program, PSEG Long Island acts as a liaison with CDG Hosts, where the CDG Host manages and subscribes satellite accounts to their CDG project. PSEG Long Island is not responsible for the operation and management of a CDG Host project and is not a party to the agreement between the CDG Host and the customer. PSEG Long Island is not liable for any issues or disputes arising between the CDG Host and the customer.