Resources For Developers

Resources for Community Solar Developers

Community Solar lets customers tap into green energy and lower their energy bills. Find out how to become a community solar host. 

CDG makes renewable energy, particularly solar power, more accessible to more people. With CDG, sometimes known as shared renewable energy, multiple customers can save money on their electric bills thanks to energy credits generated by one, large solar array located elsewhere. The array is managed by a host that enrolls customers and acts as a liaison with PSEG Long Island.

Interested in being a host? 
Download the reference materials below:

Additional information for hosts:

  • If the host account is an existing PV system, submit documents to
  • If the host account does not have an existing PV system, submit documents to
  • PSEG Long Island will notify the CDG Host when submission of a complete and accurate Initial Allocation Request has been accepted by the Company.
  • Accepted Initial Allocation Requests will be effective, commencing with the first full Host Account billing period, 60 days after receipt of such request.
  • Satellite allocations must not exceed 100 percent. The percentage of Satellite allocations less than 100 percent will remain as Excess Generation at the CDG Host account.