Rate Information
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Power Supply Charges
The Power Supply Charge is a direct pass-through that recovers the cost of fuel and electricity we buy on behalf of our customers. It is mostly the cost of fuels (primarily natural gas) used at Long Island power plants, which we do not own. We also purchase power from Independent Power Producers both on and off Long Island.
Monthly changes in price are primarily attributable to fluctuations in the difference between projected and actual costs. Changes in the total amount charged on the bill are also affected by the amount of energy used and will fluctuate based on changes in use. The COVID-19 pandemic has created greater than usual fluctuations in customer use.
The March 2025 PSC rate is $0.130144/kWh. This is a $0.009760/kWh or 8.11% increase from the February 2025 PSC rate of $0.120384/kWh. The March Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.034284/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.095860/kWh (see the table below).
The 12-month weighted average market supply rate is $0.080489/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.078086
(205.30%)191 $0.078086
(174.03%)192 $0.078086
(182.77%)193 $0.078086
(113.03%)N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.108020
(194.65%)194 (W) N/A $0.108020
(210.36%)195 (S) $0.078086
(172.82%)195 (W) $0.078086
(192.61%)Commercial Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 292 $0.078086
(163.46%)294 $0.078086
2024 Published Rate
Effective Mar-2024Published Rate
Effective Feb-2025Proposed Rate
Effective March-2025% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.107486 $0.120384 $0.130144 8.11% $0.009760 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.034555 $0.031115
$0.034284 10.18% $0.003169 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.072931 $0.089269 $0.095860 7.38% $0.006591
The February 2025 PSC is $0.120384/kWh. This is a 0.0037₵/kWh or 2.95% decrease from the January 2025 PSC rate of $0.12405/kWh. The February Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.031115/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.089269/kWh (see the table below).
The 12-month weighted average market supply rate is 0.078775/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.072230
(205.30%)191 $0.072230
(174.03%)192 $0.072230
(182.77%)193 $0.072230
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.099919
(194.65%)194 (W) N/A $0.099919
(210.36%)195 (S) $0.072230
(172.82%)195 (W) $0.072230
(192.61%)Commercial Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 292 $0.072230
(163.46%)294 $0.072230
(162.99%)2024 Published Rate
Effective Feb-2024Published Rate
Effective Jan-25New Rate
Effective Feb-25% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.10666 $0.12405 $0.12038 -2.95% -0.0037 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.03928 $0.02808
$0.03112 10.81% 0.0030 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.06738 $0.09597 $0.08927 -6.98% -0.0067 -
The January PSC rate is $0.124047/kWh. This is a $0.001824/kWh or 1.4924% increase from the December PSC rate of $0.122223/kWh. The January Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.028079/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.095968/kWh (see the table below). The 12 month (Feb '24-Jan '25) weighted average market supply rate is $0.077129/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.074428
(205.30%)191 $0.074428
(174.03%)192 $0.074428
(182.77%)193 $0.074428
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.102959
(194.65%)194 (W) N/A $0.102959
(210.36%)195 (S) $0.074428
(172.82%)195 (W) $0.074428
(192.61%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.074428
(163.46%)294 $0.074428
(162.99%)2024 Published Rate
Effective Jan-2024Published Rate
Effective Dec-24New Rate
Effective Jan-25% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.103192 $0.122223 $0.124047 1.49% 0.001824 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.034625 $0.051048
$0.028079 -44.99% -0.022969 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.068567 $0.071175 $0.095968 34.83% 0.024793 -
The December PSC rate is $0.12222/kWh. This is a $0.00965/kWh or 8.58% increase from the November PSC rate of $0.11257/kWh. The December Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.05105/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.07118/kWh (see the table below).
12-month weighted average Market Supply Rate is $0.074836/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.073334
(207.35%)191 $0.073334
(175.38%)192 $0.073334
(184.54%)193 $0.073334
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.107226
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.107080
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.095407
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.093708
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 292 $0.073334
(164.16%)294 $0.073334
(162.85%)2023 Published Rate
Effective Nov-2022Published Rate
Effective Nov-24Proposed Rate
Effective Dec-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.09394 $0.11257 $0.12222 8.58% 0.00965 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.04262 $0.02412
$0.05105 111.64% 0.02693 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.05132 $0.08845 $0.07118 -19.53% -0.01727 -
The November PSC rate is $0.11257/kWh. This is a $0.00494/kWh or 4.21% decrease from the October PSC rate of $0.11751/kWh. The November Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.02412/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.08845₵/kWh (see the table below).
12-month weighted average Market Supply Rate is $0.073245/kWh.
Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.067541
(207.35%)191 $0.067541
(175.38%)192 $0.067541
(184.54%)193 $0.067541
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.098757
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.098622
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.087871
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.086307
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.067541
(164.16%)294 $0.067541
(162.85%)2023 Published Rate
Effective Nov-23Published Rate
Effective Oct-24Proposed Rate
Effective Nov-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.10101 $0.11751 $0.11257 -4.21% -0.00494 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.02830 $0.04343
$0.02412 -44.47% -0.01931 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.07271 $0.07408 $0.08845 19.40% 0.04137 -
The October PSC rate is $0.117513/kWh.
12-month weighted average Market Supply Rate is $0.072134/kWh.
Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.070508
(207.35%)191 $0.070508
(175.38%)192 $0.070508
(184.54%)193 $0.070508
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.103094
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.102953
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.091731
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.090097
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.070508
(164.16%)294 $0.070508
(162.85%) -
The September PSC rate is $0.11479/kWh. This is a $0.00296/kWh or 2.65% increase from the August PSC rate of 0.11183₵/kWh. The September Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.03591₵/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.07888/kWh (see the table below).
The 12-month weighted average market supply rate is $0.072656/kWh.
Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.068876
(207.35%)191 $0.068876
(175.38%)192 $0.068876
(184.54%)193 $0.068876
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.100708
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.100570
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.089607
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.088012
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.068876
(164.16%)294 $0.068876
(162.85%)2023 Published Rate
Effective Sep-23Published Rate
Effective Aug-24Proposed Rate
Effective Sep-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.10145 $0.11183 $0.11479 2.65% 0.00296 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.02158 $0.02675
$0.03591 34.25% 0.00916 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.07987 $0.08508 $0.07888 -7.29% -0.0620 -
The August PSC rate is $0.11183/kWh. This is a $0.0031/kWh or 2.84% increase from the July PSC rate of $0.10875/kWh. The August Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.02675/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.08508/kWh (see the table below).
The 12 month weighted average market supply rate is $0.072732/kWh.Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.067100
(207.35%)191 $0.067100
(175.38%)192 $0.067100
(184.54%)193 $0.067100
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.09811
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.097977
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.087297
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.085742
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.067100
(164.16%)294 $0.067100
(162.85%)2023 Published Rate
Effective Aug-2023Published Rate
Effective Jul-24Proposed Rate
Effective Aug-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.10035 $0.10875 $0.11183 2.84% 0.0031 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.02949 $0.03808
$0.02675 -29.74% -0.0113 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.07087 $0.07067 $0.08508 20.40% -0.0144 -
The July PSC rate is $0.108746/kWh. This is a $0.0088/kWh or 7.47% decrease from the June PSC rate of $0.11752/kWh. The July Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.038078/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.07067/kWh (see the table below).
The 12 month (Aug ’23-July ’24) weighted average market supply rate is $0.0711150/kWh.Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.065248
(201.68%)191 $0.065248
(172.14%)192 $0.065248
(178.30%)193 $0.065248
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.095403
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.095272
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.084887
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.083376
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.065248
(161.60%)294 $0.065248
(160.62%)2023 Published Rate
Effective Jul-2023Published Rate
Effective Jun-24Proposed Rate
Effective Jul-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.11854 $0.11752 $0.10875 -7.47% -0.0088 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.03159 $0.04103
$0.03808 -7.18% -0.0029 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.08694 $0.07650 $0.07067 -7.62% -0.0058 -
The June PSC rate is 0.117520$/kWh. This is a 0.00813$/kWh or 7.43% increase from the June PSC rate of 0.1093900/kWh. The June Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of 0.041025$/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of 0.076495$/kWh.
The 12 month (June ’24-May ’25) weighted average market supply rate is $0.078589/kWh.
Residential Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 190 $0.070512
(201.68%)191 $0.070512
(172.14%)192 $0.070512
(178.30%)193 $0.070512
N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.103100
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.102959
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.091736
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.090103
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.070512
(161.60%)294 $0.070512
(160.62%)2023 Published Rate
Effective June-2023Published Rate
Effective May-24Proposed Rate
Effective June-24% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior MonthTotal Power Supply Charge $0.102266 $0.10939 $0.117520 7.43% 0.8130 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers $0.027927 $0.029621
$0.041025 38.50% 1.1404 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers $0.074339 $0.079769 $0.076495 -4.10% -0.3274 -
The May PSC rate is 0.10939$/kWh. This is a 0.0156$/kWh or 16.62% increase from the April PSC rate of 0.09380$/kWh. The May Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of 0.02962$/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of 0.07977$/kWh (see the table below).
The 12 month (May ’24-Apr ’25) weighted average market supply rate is $0.078589/kWh (see the attached file).
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.065634
(207.35%)191 $0.065634
(175.38%)192 $0.065634
(184.54%)193 $0.065634
(113.12%)N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.095968
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.095837
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.085390
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.083869
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.065634
(164.16%)294 $0.065634
2023 Published Rate
Effective May-2023 ($/kWh)Published Rate
Effective Apr-2024 ($/kWh)Proposed Rate
Effective May-2024 ($/kWh)% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month (¢/kWh)Total Power Supply Charge 0.10265 0.09380 0.10939 16.62% 0.0156 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers 0.04803 0.03553
0.02962 -11.65% -0.0039 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers 0.05462 0.06028 0.07977 23.34% 0.0195
The April PSC rate is $0.09380/kWh. This is a $0.01368/kWh or 12.73% decrease from the March PSC rate of $0.10749/kWh. The April Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.03353/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.06028/kWh (see the table below).
The 12 month (Apr ’24-Mar ’25) weighted average market supply rate is $0.07464/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.056282
(207.35%)191 $0.056282
(175.38%)192 $0.056282
(184.54%)193 $0.056282
(113.12%)N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.082294
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.082182
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.073223
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.071920
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.056282
(164.16%)294 $0.056282
2023 Published Rate
Effective Apr-2023 ($/kWh)Published Rate
Effective Mar-2024 ($/kWh)Proposed Rate
Effective -2024 ($/kWh)% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month (¢/kWh)Total Power Supply Charge 0.08887 0.10749 0.09380 -12.73% -0.01368 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers 0.01823 0.03456
0.03353 -2.98% -0.00103 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers 0.07064 0.07293 0.06028 -17.35% -0.01265
The March PSC rate is $0.107486/kWh. This is a $0.0008/kWh or 0.78% increase from the February PSC rate of $0.106656/kWh. The March Power Supply Rate includes the Local Supply Rate of $0.034555/kWh and the Market Supply Rate of $0.072931/kWh (see the table below).
The 12 month (Feb ’23-Mar ’24) weighted average market supply rate is $0.066178/kWh.
Residential Super Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak 190 $0.064492
(207.35%)191 $0.064492
(175.38%)192 $0.064492
(184.54%)193 $0.064492
(113.12%)N/A 194 (S) N/A $0.094297
(175.45%)194 (W) N/A $0.094168
(175.23%)195 (S) $0.083904
(159.62%)195 (W) $0.082410
(111.06%)Commercial Super Off Peak Off Peak Peak 292 $0.064492
(164.16%)294 $0.064492
2023 Published Rate
Effective Mar-2023 (¢/kWh)Published Rate
Effective Feb-2024 (¢/kWh)Proposed Rate
Effective Mar-2024 (¢/kWh)% Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month$ Increase / Decrease
from Prior Month (¢/kWh)Total Power Supply Charge 9.3955 10.6656 10.7486 0.78% 0.0830 Local Supply Charge - Bundled + Choice Customers 4.0055 3.9280
3.4555 -12.03% -0.4725 Market Supply Charge Bundled Customers 5.3900 6.7376 7.2931 8.24% 0.5555
Time-of-Day Rates
PSEG Long Island’s Time-of-Day (TOD) rate options provide customers with new savings opportunities based on their lifestyles. TOD rates give you access to lower electricity prices at different times of the day, similar to other types of “off-peak” pricing. A few simple changes to switch energy use to lower-priced time periods can make a big difference.
Residential TOD Electric Rates
Starting November 15, 2023, two new Time-of-Day (TOD) Rates, the Off-Peak Rate and the Super Off-Peak Rate are available to customers with smart meters. Unlike a flat rate, like 180, pricing for a TOD rate does change based on the time of day. Electricity costs more during “peak” times and less during “off-peak” times. This offers new savings opportunities, for example by charging an electric vehicle overnight. Just be aware that peak pricing can be as much as two times standard rates.
Shifting energy use with TOD helps make energy demand more manageable, giving you access to the best price possible. Use energy like never before, learn how!
- Download the Residential Rate Booklet for full details.
Commercial TOU Electric Rate
New for 2021 Rate 292 is a pilot Time-of-Use rate that offers new opportunities for your business to save money.
- Download the Commercial Rate Booklet for full details.
Revenue Decoupling
The Revenue Decoupling Adjustment (RDA) on your bill is not as intimidating as it sounds. Let us explain...
Revenue Decoupling is not unique to PSEG Long Island
Revenue Decoupling is used in many other states and has already been in use by every other major utility in New York State. The New York State Department of Public Service (DPS) recommended to LIPA that Revenue Decoupling be adopted here and it was approved by the LIPA Board of Trustees in 2015.
PSEG Long Island encourages you to use less of our product
Most companies collect revenue by getting you to buy as much of their products as they can. Every time you flip on your lights or the TV, you're buying our product - electricity. But one of our main goals is to help you use less electricity.
That creates an issue: selling less electricity creates less revenue. And without enough revenue, we would not be able to deliver reliable electric service and quality customer service for millions of people and thousands of companies from Queens to Montauk, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The money that's required each year in order to provide our services to you is outlined in our annual budget. That budgeted revenue, which is authorized by LIPA, is then compared with the actual revenue collected from electric rates. The difference between actual revenues and budgeted revenues creates the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment.
Encouraging energy savings
By separating - or "decoupling" - rate revenue from the amount of energy used by customers, utility budgets are less dependent on selling energy. That removes a major obstacle that could otherwise stand in the way of supporting energy efficiency.
The RDA adjusts bills based on how actual revenue compares to budgeted revenue. Any excess revenue is refunded to customers as a credit adjustment. If revenue falls short, the RDA is a charge to ensure enough funds are available for us to continue to deliver reliable service.
The RDA does not increase our profits
PSEG Long Island earns money from a flat fee for managing the electric system. We do not earn even a penny from the RDA. Every dollar of revenue collected from electric rates is used to run the system and invest in reliability improvements.
You have the power to save
Rest assured that if the RDA is a charge, you still have an incentive to reduce your bill by using less electricity. Our responsibility is to provide programs and resources that make it easier for you to save energy and money. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities. Even simple changes in behavior like turning off the lights when you leave a room can save. Or explore our rebate programs that reduce the cost of energy efficient appliances and products.
No. For the purposes of the RDA, there are four categories of customers, each with separate revenue calculations and adjustments:
1. All residential customers
2. Small Commercial customers (no demand meter)
3. Large Commercial customers (with recorded demand up to 145 kW)
4. Mandatory Time-of-Use (TOU) rate Commercial customers (with recorded demand exceeding 145 kW)
It is possible that the RDA for one category could be a credit, while for another category it's a charge.
No. For example, accounts for outdoor or street lighting and with economic development rates do not have an RDA.
The RDA can either be a charge or a credit based on how actual revenue compares to our authorized revenue target.
It benefits customers by removing a barrier that could discourage energy efficiency programs. With an RDA, our customers can use less electricity without affecting our ability to provide reliable electric service and quality customer services. And even if the RDA is a charge, you can still reduce your energy bills by conserving energy and using it more efficiently.
The use of revenue decoupling across New York State supports the State's initiatives to expand energy efficiency, solar power and economic development programs.
Not at all. We always encourage you to save energy because it can save you money and help our environment. The RDA does not take away your opportunity to reduce electric bills.
But when you use less power, it still costs the same amount to run the electric system and deliver power to you. If the RDA is a charge, it's only to ensure that there's enough revenue to pay for that cost.
No. We do not earn any money from the RDA. PSEG Long Island earns money from a flat fee that we receive for managing the electric system and delivering all of the services we provide. Our contract actually requires that we help you use less electricity.
The RDA is not always a charge, but when it is, it's only to make sure that there is enough revenue to keep the lights on.
PSEG Long Island's revenue target is authorized by the Long Island Power Authority, the not-for-profit state agency that still owns the electric system. Revenue decoupling is also used by every other major New York State utility. Their revenue targets are authorized by the New York State Department of Public Service (DPS), which also recommended to LIPA in 2015 that revenue decoupling be adopted for Long Island and the Rockaways.
Delivery Service Adjustment (DSA)
This line item on the bill, which can be a credit returned to you or a charge, creates a better way to account for unpredictable costs that are part of providing you with electric service. The goal is long-term electric rate stability.
PSEG Long Island's annual budget is based on what we anticipate it will cost to provide you with safe, reliable and resilient energy, along with all of our other services. The budget includes a certain amount for things like storm repairs to poles and wires.
The Delivery Service Adjustment (DSA) reconciles the difference between some of our budgeted expenses and the actual cost. When costs are less than expected, like when storms haven't been so bad, the DSA is a credit to refund money to customers. When the unexpected happens and costs exceed the projected budget, like when there's a really bad storm, the DSA is applied to the bill as a charge to recover those costs.
Storm repairs are just one unpredictable cost. There are also costs related to borrowing money for electric system improvements. These costs have always been part of your electric bill. The DSA provides a new level of transparency and a better way of accounting for those costs.
Less unpredictability creates greater financial stability - and that pays off, for example, with better interest rates on loans.
It is a rate mechanism that reconciles the difference between some of our budgeted expenses included in base delivery rates and the actual costs. Some costs, like for storm repairs, are difficult to predict, so the DSA is used to recover costs in excess of our budget or return money to customers.
PSEG Long Island's budget is based on what we anticipate it will cost to serve customers and provide safe, reliable and resilient energy. But what we expect to spend and what we actually spend, could be impacted by forces beyond control, like a very bad storm. Customers have always paid for these types of costs, but the DSA provides a new level of transparency and a better way of accounting for those costs.
Yes, and it can be a charge or a credit. If actual costs exceed our budget, like after a major storm, it may be a charge. If actual costs are lower than expected, the DSA is a credit to return money to customers. For 2017, the DSA is a credit.
Yes, when the DSA is set each year, the adjustment is the same for each of the following groups of customers:
- All residential customers
- Small commercial customers
- Large commercial customers
- Mandatory Time-of-Use (TOU) commercial customers
The DSA includes costs related to repairs following storms and costs to borrow money for investment in electric system improvements.
Once per year. Each year, our costs will be tracked over a 12-month period and the DSA will be modified as of January 1.